Create the Perfect Itinerary Without
a Wedding Planner
👀 No more parental nagging with our foolproof itinerary
👍 No more stress as we'll customise the itinerary for you
📝 Share the latest revisions with everyone through a single itinerary
💸 Avoid extra costs, such as early morning surcharge, as the itinerary keeps vendor timings in check
📸 Ensure adequate time for wedding photoshoots for stunning photos and videos
💍 Be prepared and know what to expect on your wedding day

Wedding Itinerary
$2,888 NETT
Introducing Our All-in-One Itinerary: The Foolproof Plan Your Parents Will Approve!
Trust us when we say you're not the only one not knowing what to expect...
💬 "How much duration should I cater for makeup shots?"
💬 "I have auspicious timings... how ah??"
💬 "I don't know how to what to prepare for gatecrash leh.."
💬 "When do I play my childhood montage ah?"
All your BURNING questions you have about your wedding itinerary will be taken into account when we plan your wedding itinerary! So no stress bruh!

Step 1:
Fill up our questionnaire
Step 2:
Book a zoom consultation
Step 3:
Get your customised itinerary in 24 hours
Step 4:
Update your itinerary on Google sheets with any changes

Expertly Crafted by
a 16-Year Wedding Industry Veteran
Actual Day Wedding Itinerary was created by Annabel Law who founded Annabel Law Productions. As a wedding photographer for the past 16 years, Annabel finally got married and realised how difficult and stressful wedding day planning can be. Unable to find a simple an idiot proof wedding sample, Annabel went on a search to create an itinerary for all our clients at Annabel Law Productions.

In Collaboration with
Singapore Actual Day Itinerary Customised for 876 HAPPY COUPLES!

"I was stressing over the wedding schedule, but then I received my wedding itinerary PROMPTLY! The team even went the extra mile to offer suggestions on reducing my wedding expenses!"
Brian & Chiu Teng
Married 21 Jan'24

"We greatly appreciated their generous sharing of wedding industry insights, and their genuine desire to assist couples was truly admirable."
Michelle & Deng Yang

"THE holy grail wedding itinerary was effortlessly wonderful. Solid A* team, Solid A* work, Solid A* attitude & Solid love for you guys!! 🙌🏻"
Shanice & Xie Liang
Married 30 Dec'23

"Annabel arranged our first zoom meeting to not only discuss what we would be getting for the package but also tips and advice from wedding invitation websites to the wedding itinerary. We got MUCH MORE THAN EXPECTED and was assured of the quality of her service from them."
Ming De & Jennifer
Married 10 Dec'23

"We had a wedding with a very tight timeline, and they understood this and even helped us come up with a sensible wedding day schedule based on their experience."
Sylv & Jon.
Wedding Proposal

"In the month or two leading up to our wedding, the team will check-in on our prep through our group chat and advised us on our schedule. Definitely one of the BEST decisions we've made in engaging ALPS for our wedding! 👏🏻👍🏻"
Dominic & Wendy
Married 27 May'23

Guest List, RSVP & Seating Chart
Manage your guest RSVP, dietary restrictions and seating arrangements in one excel

Strategic Planning for Photoshoot Opportunities
Follow our itinerary and you'll have ample photo and video coverage for aesthetic end results within the time constraints ✨

Wedding Day Checklist
Don't miss anything! Track every detail and things to bring or delegate someone to do it ;)

Detailed Rundown of Key Events
Avoid conflicts in schedule and eliminate confusion knowing there's enough time for each activity
What's Included in the Itinerary?